Learning The Individual Tarot Cards - Swords

The Tarot Cards - The suite of Swords

The Major Arcana | The Cups | The Wands | The Swords | The Pentacles

Element: Air

Zodiac: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Swords are generally associated with the mental aspects of our physical lives. They tend to reflect our consious thoughts.

A Note On Tartot Card Reversals

The Ace of Swords

Keywords: New beginnings, success, victory, conquest, triumph

The ace of swords

The Two of Swords

Keywords: Indecision, confusion, a need for balance, stalemate,introspection

The two 2 of swords

The Three of Swords

Keywords: Sorrow, pity, despair, separation, broken heart, delay, turmoil

The three 3 of swords

The Four of Swords

Keywords: Rest, meditation, repose, solitude

The four 4 of swords

The Five of Swords

Keywords: A battle that can't be won, humiliation, disgrace, dishonor, disdain

The five 5 of swords

The Six of Swords

Keywords: Expedition, journey, leaving troubles and difficulties behind

The six 6 of swords

The Seven of Swords

Keywords: Scheming, possible failed attempt, cunning, deception, sneakyness, cunning

The seven 7 of swords

The Eight of Swords

Keywords: Confusion, strife, not knowing which way to turn, conflict, unable to see potentials

The eight 8 of swords

The Nine of Swords

Keywords: Loss of sleep, despair, scandal, doubt, failure, worry

The nine 9 of swords

The Ten of Swords

Keywords: Misfortune, burdens, ending of a terrible situation, mistrust

The ten 10 of swords

The Page of Swords

Keywords: Possibly a young dark haired individual. Spying, vigilance, examination.

The page of swords

The Knight of Swords

Keywords: Skill, bravery, defense, battle. Can often denote the coming or going of a situation

The knight of Wands

The Queen of Swords

Keywords: An intelligent, perceptive woman. Sometimes associated with decision making & justice. Also sadness, widowhood, separation

The queen of Wands

The King of Swords

Keywords: Power, authority, leadership, command. Sometimes associated with judgement or law. A stern fair man

The king of swords